Weather Stations

Weather Stations

Cropping Weather Station installed without a soil moisture probe in this example

Cropping Weather Station

Weather Station and soil moisture probe installed in #wimmera, Victoria

Weather Station and SMP

ETo Weather Station installed in irrigated pature property in South Australia

ETo Weather Station

Weather stations are used for many different purposes, ranging from simple rain gauge sites to a full Bureau of Met style ETO weather station.

Most people find data from their own weather station is far more accurate and therefore far more useful than trying to use the information from a BOM (Bureau of Meteorology) station that is most often many kilometers away.
People are surprised at just how variable rainfall is over a surprisingly small area, which has quite a profound impact on irrigation scheduling and available crop water in dry land cropping systems.

Having a weather station within your monitoring system network also means all the information (such as crop water use, growing degree days etc, etc) can be used in conjunction with soil moisture monitoring data and provide you with a far more complete picture of what is happening (production-wise) in the paddocks.
This allows you to fine-tune the production system and stop paying so much for production inputs that are not used by the crop while maximising yield and quality.

We have a full range of weather station sensors available to suit any job you have to do with weather stations.

If its a simple weather station in the back paddock or a full ETO station for irrigation and crop modeling we can supply what you need.

Pre-packed weather stations most commonly asked for:

>  Cropping station that includes all the weather sensors, Delta-T, HFDI (fire index), Dew Point and custom calculations

>  Crop water use

>  Crop Protection (disease modeling and frost alerting)

> Frost risk and heat/chill hours


Sensors we offer:

>  Temperature & Relative Humidity
>  Wind Speed & Direction
>  Pyranometer (Solar Radiation)
>  Barometric Pressure
>  Leaf Wetness
>  Rain Gauges
>  Soil Temperature

> Anything else wanted

Temperature and relative humidity sensors

These come in various types for differing applications
We carry a range of sensors to suit the application from standard soil temperature all the way through to high accuracy air temperature applications

Sensors we stock:

 >  Temperature only (PT1000)
 > Temperature and Humidity
 > Temperature, humidity and barometric pressure
Some sensor types simply produce temperature readings, while other are an integrated sensor that measure temperature and humidity and some even barometric pressure as well.
Enquire about the best sensor for your needs

Uses for these sensors include:

Spraying conditions
>  Wind chill for stock
>  Fire risk indexing (e.g. at harvest times)
>  ETo calculation and crop water use
>  Disease modeling
>  Power generation calculations

Common uses for these sensors include:
>  Informing seed sewing dates
>  Fungicidal/spray treatment type and timing
>  Fertilising dates
>  Weed germination and therefore spraying dates in advance

Built from the ground up from years of customer feedback
> Simple
> Powerful
> Intuitive
> Flexible Dashboards
> Fully supported in Australia
> Live data display as well as access to all the historical data